Show and Convention Dates

Tips for Surviving a Comic Convention

Posted by A Vasquez on

Originally Posted October 3, 2018

So you’ve decided to join your nerdy brothers and sister in arms and go to your first comic convention. You may have seen the hustle and bustle on TV, News outlets, Online Videos and wonder what it must be like to experience it first hand. Well, I am here to tell you as a veteran, it can be quite a trial but it is also very rewarding. With New York Comic-Con only hours away, here are a few tips and tricks to help you navigate through your first of what could be many conventions to come.


Yes, YOU CAN BRING WATER WITH YOU TO CONVENTIONS!!! You are going to walking around A LOT! You will be standing on so many lines, chatting it up with fellow con-goers and your throat will get dry. Having a bottle of water is essential and also carrying some light snacks will help you from feeling faint.

Pack Light

In my experience, carrying an empty bookbag with you is the best way to go. When you come to a convention with as little as possible you can gauge the amount you will want to buy as well as all the free swag they tend to give out as well.

Get to Panels EARLY

Sitting in on Panels are so much fun. Not only do you get to hear and see some of your favorite actors tell you about their experiences on your favorite shows and movies, but it also gives you a chance to sit down, regroup and catch your breath in between you moving all over the place.

Shop Around

You know that figure you saw online that will be at the convention, or that one piece you have dying to get your hands on but just couldn’t due to cost and constraint…? Well, you very well may find it at the convention. However, there will be many vendors that have the same items but will have them for slightly different prices. Shop around and don’t settle. I promise you someone will have what you want at the price you want


While a good majority of the vendor will accept credit cards, having cash will always help. Some vendors even encourage discounts if you pay with cash.


While you will have a full charge on your phone or camera, with all the videos and photos you will be taking, your device may die. Bring either your charger or a portable battery if you want to keep moving and charging, you’ll be glad you did

While all these tips are good here is the most important: HAVE FUN!!! Whether you are going with a group of people or just by yourself, don’t forget these conventions are for you to take in the sites, see the new and cool stuff to come later in the year, and to add to your growing collection. Take your time and make the most of it.

See you at the next one!

From your friendly neighbor Sentai Senshi Sailor Scorpio


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